monthly event |
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2149 Lutheran Church Rd - Beaufort Mo 63013 |
573.484.3575 |
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Sunday Service Bulletin |
Sunday Service Sermon |
Sunday Prayers |
Christian Education Opportunities |
Sundays: Mondays: |
Ladies Aid - 2nd Thursday (Auditorium) Church Council - 2nd Monday (School House) |
As Lutheran Christians we hold these Beliefs: |
Adam and Eve were created Holy by God, but lost this Holiness through disobedience. People are still disobedient by their inability to keep the Ten Commandments perfectly. God loves us in spite of our disobedience. God loves us so much that He laid the guilt and punishment of all the sins of all people on His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, true God and true man, lived a perfect life
on earth, suffered and died on the cross in our place, for our sins, and
rose again to prove His victory over sin and death for the justification
of all before God. Full and free forgiveness is offered to all people. Those who believe in Jesus as their Savior and accept His forgiveness become new persons in Christ. Their lives are filled with the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22) and a greater purpose for living. The Holy Spirit wants to impart this belief to everyone through the power of God's Word, the Bible, which we believe to be God's inspired revelation of Himself to all people. The entire Bible, the Old Testament and the New Testament, is the only source and authority for all matters of faith and life. The Church of Jesus Christ is composed of all those who trust in Him for forgiveness and eternal life, and adhere to His teachings. Christ will come again visibly at the end of time as the righteous judge of the world, raise all from the dead and give to believers in Christ eternal life. This We Believe, Teach and Confess! |
List of Church Events |
August 1852 - St. John Lutheran
Church was organized with the following charter members: Friedrich Osiek
and his wife Wilhelmena Charlotte, Martin Kleinebecker and his wife, John
Bente and his wife, Henry Kampschmidt and his wife, Frederick Biest and
his wife, William Kampsmith and his wife, William Hottmer and his wife,
William Stumpe and his wife, Jurgin Dierking and his wife, Henry Hearth
and his wife, Henry Fechtler and his wife, Henry Lohmeyer and his wife,
Henry Wilbenscher and his wife, Henry Koch and his wife, Henry Temme and
his wife, and Friedrich Koch and his wife. |
Previous Pastors |
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From the East: Take I-44 west to MO Highway 50 west. Follow Hwy 50 to MO Hwy 185, Turn right (North) at the Voss Market. Follow MO 185 to Lutheran Church Road, Turn Left. Church entrance at the bottom of the hill on the right. |